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Sonic and Interactive installation

presented at Media Art Festival Friesland, 

Young  Master Award, Netherlands.


Frequency Array is an interactive sound installation; couponed of an interactive system card.The installation aimed to capture analogical frequencies from electromagnetic waves, and then to be mixed it with digital frequencies came from the computer languages. Those data material frequencies are translated into a vibration of sound received in series of loudspeaker...

The sounds of the installation can auto - play with the presence of a person in the space. The spectator becomes a partof the  data frequency and the sound material.


This project is in continuity with a research artistic approach, that tries to question our relation to the atmosphere, to recreate these invisibility data,  into a new form of functional language. The process sets up the body as a composite element of the work. The work opens to create an interactivity between the art work and the receiver, by mixing mechanics, sound and light.

Frequency Array project is opening a hybridization between the arts and sciences.  


The printer is a transmission for the Frequency Array project.   The idea of the printer is to reveal the system of function of the programmer, and to visualize it into a series of code messages : as a binary code zeros and ones. 

The code texts are activated and controlled by the reception of the frequencies; a printer is intended to continuously print computer data.The accumulation of paper is to materialize the hyper infinite massiveness of data, as a way to rethink the world through technologie.


Materials : Arduino Card, PCB cards 10 Loud Speakers, Anntenna,  printer, papers, Raspberry. Pi3.

Photo credit : Maaike Andrews and Tom Meixner

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