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ChamberS - 2024


Evolutive living Material apparatus, Vapours installation

Part of the question : How can formerly destitute places become a resurgence, a regeneration for the future?


ChamberS is a non-stable material installation, taking the form of a microcosm I am making with vinyl tubing, glass cylinders, electronic components, pumps, liquid and piezo. The work materializes a dimension of vapor transparency, of setting in circulation, of a physical phenomenon in its various states. The project is part of ongoing research that proposes ways to reflect on relationships with non-human sensibilities as constant, fluid, trans-present, for imagining and speculating possible futures.

Exploring Vapour as apparatus which contributes as a rethinking way of social and environmental issues, opens a way of engaging with the environment and surrounding with vapor and scent.


The project is a  learning, experimenting process, to know and to understand invisible infrastructures entities in relationship with a site specific and the city of Montreal.


Materials : Pumps, liquids, pipes, Glass Cylinder, Plexiglas cube, piezo, 

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